Monday, November 07, 2005

Grow Up!

Okay, so I’m just as nerdy and geeky as anyone who maintains a freakin’ web log.
I freely admit it. But some things just go a little too far.

Witness this:

Perhaps if I felt a little… oh, I don’t know… inadequate in the light saber department… I’d want to wear a pair of Star Wars boxers.

Did I mention that I don’t wear boxers because of that whole “grandfather clock” thing?

Well, never mind about that.

But here’s where it goes too far. On the back of these boxers there is this graphic:

Well, I guess one person’s “dark side” is another person’s “fine bootay.” Or someink.

Maybe it's the cold medicine talking.


Anonymous said...

It makes me wonder just who exactly has gone to "The Dark Side".....

And I'm not even going to mention the word verification came up as


Anonymous said...

I am not drawn to the black hole so... -T

KL2GY said...

Was this something that you found or were given? - Those are funny.
- TV

Eric said...

Saw an ad, did a double take. From Gigglewood to the Dark Side. It's a crazy world we live in, idnit?

And to J - i think word verification images are messages straight from the Devil. Not that I mind, I'm all about the comments :-)

John Cowart said...

I don't know what to say. I truly don't know what to say.

smussyolay said...

yeah, i need to defend. someone i know may or may not have a pair of these... and i do mean may or may not, cause we don't talk anymore... but don't you think that star wars aficiandos (that's not spelled right, but i am too lazy to look it up cause i'm at work and trying to condense my time stealing right now, and i realize for the price of what i just wrote i could have looked it up.) are likely to be the recipients of these as gifts from their friends?

who knows.

Eric said...

Dawn - I saw them in a Fred Meyer (what's on your list today?)ad but I think I clipped the picture from an internet undergarment wholesaler (whom I should have credited). I suspect you can find them at any Target, Kohls, whatever the East Coast equivalent is that I've never heard of.

S - I accept your defense. Maybe I just associated "Dark Side" with "skid marks." I suppose one could have fun with "come to the Dark Side" or someink if one was all sexifying the Jedi. I don't know. The Red Hat Society piece was better, I fink.

TEN33GIRL said...

I am wearing those as I type this ;p