Saturday, October 15, 2005

No Stories Today

other than the story of me being home sick.

I’m listening to Summer Melancholia; watching baseball playoffs; sweating off a fever; ripping some discs to MP3; wondering why I’d never heard of a band called Frisbie (“another story” is the real deal) or singers named Justin Roberts or Rhett Miller and why I had never before explored The Shins or The Jayhawks; suspecting that Terri and Jason know these bands; offering crunchies to my dogs who always appreciate something to eat; thinking I need to get busy, to clean up the house some, to cook something for dinner so that Kelli will have a home-cooked meal waiting when she gets home; not feeling the least bit hungry myself; feeling so tired but knowing laying around will only make it worse; feeling guilty that my recruit will get another fill-in trainer in my absence but that I will drag my butt to work tomorrow unless I need to be hospitalized because she deserves continuity plus I hate taking vacation time for illness.

Blah. Bo-ring in E-land today.

Tell me a story.


Lindsey said...

I'm sorry you are feeling sick :( Hope you get to feeling better soon....And speaking as someone who was once your recruit, don't feel bad, I never took it personally...except when no one else wanted to take me...nothing says teamwork like walking into the room as a recruit and your fto is sick...which his fine, and the clerk III asks who can take a recruit and everyone says "I dont want her" lol....but hopefully its not a big deal now lol.....Speaking of recruits....funnys small story, after I left there, and made it to Washington, my mom got a call about my condo for rent, and the girl said on the recorder she was interested in the condo and she was "a dispather for APD if that made a difference"....I never heard her before, so I called her back and asked and she said she was just hired and was in training....funny, small world huh? lol

Anonymous said...

Stay home til you feel better!

I love you BLOG!

Your recruit was in good hands today!


Anonymous said...

Feel better, Im trying to survive heat exhaustion. It was 95 in Los Angeles where I was yesterday and today I am in Lake Havasu, Arizona. Did anyone remind these states its friggin October!! Should be cooling off. If its this hot tommorrow, we are taking one of the boats out on the lake, that will be nice. Hang in there. Not in a creepy way of course

shtikl said...

hi eric. get well soon! Try eating more fruit. :-)

KL2GY said...

Sorry to hear that you are ill. Thanks for taking the time out to write to the following anyway! Have care.
- TV

Lois Lane said...

You aren't still sick are you? Good than I can save my story for the next time. Been missing reading you. I can't belive how many blogs I "try" to read every day. Hit, miss, life story!
Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » »

Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read