Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Friday, December 02, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Why I Know What I Know
I grew up listening to entertainment/informative talk radio. Due to Herb Shaindlin, an Alaskan radio legend, I sought out old time radio and audiobooks and all sorts of aural entertainment. I'm addicted.
Exhibit A:
Add to these the audiobooks I listen to and you'll understand why I wear headphones about 20 hours a day (except on workdays when i wear a headset for 11 hours and then headphones at home for about 8 more).
Exhibit A:
Podcasts to which I currently subscribe: (Highlighted are my favorites)
Answer B!tch
BTR: True Murder
Comedy Film Nerds
Common Sense with Dan Carlin
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History
The Dork Forest
Doug Loves Movies
Freakonomics Radio
Girl on Guy with Aisha Tyler
H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast
The Hollywood Saloon
Horror etc
How Did This Get Made
Judge John Hodgman
Monster Talk
The Moth
MSNBC Rachel Maddow Audio
The Nerdist
NPR: Car Talk
NPR: Planet Money
NPR: Fresh Air
NPR: Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me
Real Time with Bill Maher audio
Sklarbro Country
Slate’s Culture Gabfest
Slate’s Political Gabfest
The Smartest Man in the World (Greg Proops)
The Sporkful
Stuff You Should Know
Stuff Mom Never Told You
Stuff You missed in History
Tech Stuff
This American Life
This Week with Larry Miller
TV Ate My Dinner
Who Charted?
WTF with Marc Maron
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up
Add to these the audiobooks I listen to and you'll understand why I wear headphones about 20 hours a day (except on workdays when i wear a headset for 11 hours and then headphones at home for about 8 more).
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
And then came the sax solo and it blew my mind
And here’s why I don’t post prose very often on this blog.
Since Journey was born, two years ago next week, I haven’t
frankly had the time. When she was a tiny baby she didn’t sleep for very long
therefore neither Kelli nor I got much sleep.
As she’s gotten older she sleeps more but her waking hours require much
more energy to keep up with her.
And the puppy. A
little advice from your old buddy E, if you have a toddler resist the urge to
get a puppy. I love my wife and my wife
is the dog person in the family but even she would agree on this one.
Well really I have not as much time left for me. I love being a dad and wouldn’t change it for
the world but it has meant that I have very little time to myself. Sure I can carve out a half hour here or an
hour there but there’s just so much stuff to do during that time. Dishes, for instance. I can’t load or unload the dishwasher unless
the girl and the dog are both napping or otherwise out from underfoot. Literally underfoot. When
the girl does something particularly cute I will try to take pictures and that
takes very little time and energy.
Editing the pictures for posting online or printing takes time -time
when I can concentrate at least a little. Writing an actual story about something? Usually not.
12-hour work days leaves little time for before-work or
after work-activities, especially when I just want to sleep. Days I don’t work are spent either watching
the girl all day or doing errands with Kelli and the girl. Again, it seems like I’m whining but I’m just
stating the facts.

Another reason I haven’t written a lot is that most of my unusual
experiences happen at the Coal Mine.
Well, the mine boss doesn’t want us to talk about the mine or mining or
in any way identify ourselves as miners.
Since mining feels my family, no more stories about the mine.
What time I can steal for myself is usually just spent doing
something mindless, even when it starts out otherwise. For instance tonight while Journey and Kelli
were snuggling in our bed watching TV and having mother / daughter time I
started writing about Occupy Wall Street, more precisely how I feel about
Occupy Wall Street.
Turns out the way I feel reminds me of the Mothers of
Invention song “Trouble Every Day,” written by Frank Zappa in 1965 about the
Watts riots (and the media and a bunch of stuff). So here’s a peek behind the curtain of how
Eric’s mind works (and stuff doesn’t get written):
Step One: Go online
for a copy of the lyrics to Trouble Every Day
Step Two: Read the
lyrics to see if they match what I hear when I listen to it. Sometimes this means going back for another
source on Step One.
Step Three: Copy the
lyrics onto the blank page and start annotating them.
Step Four: Check Wikipedia to fact-check my dates and see
if there are any links to interesting Trouble Every Day stories (in this case,
not so much).
Step Five: While I’m
thinking about the song I might as well listen to it while I write. Instead of listening to it from my own ripped
CDs, I figure I can find a version on YouTube which I could then link right in
my post so you can listen along too.
Step Six: I see on
the YouTube sidebar that there are other versions of Trouble Every Day recorded
live on video at several different venues and times. I click on a couple.
Step Eight: I see a
link to Dweezil Zappa vs Steve Vai
from Zappa Plays Zappa. Clicky the
link. Magical.
Step Nine: Click on
half a dozen other videos including but not limited to: Orianthi Panagaris ( I wondered who that girl
was in the Michael Jackson ‘This is It’ outtakes), more G3
Satriani/Vai/Whoever, A bunch of kids (individually) doing amazing guitar
Step Ten: Having spent all that time looking at videos and
listening to music, the Occupy Wall Street thread in my head is gone and
besides that the baby needs changed and pajama’d and put to bed.
Step Eleven: throw this together and put in some links and photos to
keep your interest.
All this being said, I do intend to write more. I just have budget time to do it and then not
spend that time doing something else.
See also: get back to stained glass, archive all of my music and photos
so they are easily accessible on the computer, etc.
In the mean time, there’s no way to delay that trouble comin’every day.
Friday, November 04, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
More mustard please
We're still working up to actually eating anything that requires real chewing (long story involving speech therapy) but she loves to use french fries as a ketchup (and we found out today) mustard delivery system.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Friday, October 07, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Welcome Baby Elizabeth, to the world as we know it
Elizabeth Reagan Anderson was born at 9:04pm, 9/21/2011. 7lbs 6oz, 19.5 inches. Congratulations to Drew and Jennifer Anderson. Journey has a cousin!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
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