Monday, December 19, 2005

…With a Knickknack Paddywack, Give My Dog An Enema…

Bailey, Bailey, Bailey…

Last week we were in the vet’s office three days in a row, followed by a trip to the animal hospital on Saturday (which happened to be a day I stayed home from work physically ill, likely from stress at work and worry for my sick dog).

Bailey got constipated, dehydrated, nauseous, and her cholesterol was very high. She was constantly seeking water, then constantly urinating the water she had earlier sought. We thought it was due to her diabetes but it might be an indicator of Cushing’s Disease.

Cushing’s (and humans can get it too) is a benign growth in the Pituitary gland which then causes the adrenal glands to produce too many steroids. Too many steroids can cause damage to the liver. Damage to the liver can be very very bad.

Luckily (sort of) the first test for Cushing’s is inconclusive so maybe she doesn’t have it. If she does then it presents a problem because the combination of Cushings and diabetes is… difficult.

So right now she’s truckin’ right along; little sluggish and a little more attention-seeking than her usual self but happy go lucky.

And Sugar is DJF, as per usual.

We’re extremely grateful and crossing our fingers for increasing and continuing canine health.


smussyolay said...

sigh. i was going to write and BEG you to post so i didn't have to see or think about the word "badonkadonk." i came and saw a new post...but this. sigh.

sugar is the whitey white smusser?

oh. duh. sugar = white. sigh.

anyway. what's DJF? oh. doing just fine?


i need to go to bed now.

mas smusses for the whole family, and kisses on the snouts for the snouteros.

love, j

Still Searching... said...

Sorry to hear your dog is ill. It's hard when pets get sick. In our household, they are part of the family. I hope she gets better soon.

Lindsey said...

I hope Baily gets better soon...Poor pooch :(

I hate when animals are sick. Hope she gets to feeling better very soon.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » » »