Welcome to Billy Boy aka Plumbutt – Founder, Creator and overall Mastermind of The Plumbutt Chronicles. He's a Modern man from New Joisey who enjoys climbing tall mountains, riding bikes down steep hills and pissing people off.
I've already used his words to describe himself, let's see what he has to say about his blog, shall we?
TPC, established in 2004, attempts to present in humorous fashion, a daily dose of sarcasm and satire on everything from the serious to the sublime…. WARNING: You may read explicit language here. You may see partial or full nudity. You may see farm animals in various stages of undress. You may not like or agree with what I have to say. In either case...LIVE WITH IT!
His is a funny blog. You'd do well to check it out HERE.
Tell 'im I sentcha!
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