Tuesday, June 09, 2009


For nearly 3 months I’ve been consciously not blogging about something big and in so doing (or not doing) I haven’t posted much at all.

That ends tonight.

We’re having a baby.

Kelli is 17 weeks pregnant with an itty bitty baby girl.

Understanding that all pregnancies can have problems and that we are, to put it bluntly, super old, we wanted to wait until all the basic things looked good and healthy before we made a big public deal out of it.

So far so good. Now it’s a big public deal.

I’ll have lots of thoughts to share (or maybe just record for posterity) in coming days, weeks, and months.

Things are changing. Everything will change. Things I don’t even think are changeable will probably change.

I’m starting to get a wee bit excited.

And I’m not going to apologize if this turns into a big ol’ gushing daddy-blog, it will be what it will be.

Did I mention we’re having a baby?

Mark your calendars for Mid-November at which time we’ll be giving our thanks for the birth of one Miss Journey Reese Anderson.


Anonymous said...

we are freaking out at work!!!!! i can't believe we found out through your blog!!!!!! a huge congrats from mids

Jas said...

Way to go bro! That means I'm going to be an Uncle.

See you next week!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! Congratulations! I absolutely love the name. :) Quite the surprise for those of us you chose not to tell....

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Now day shift is freakin out! I'm so happy for you guys. I'll be thinkin about you as I'm taking my "baby" to take her drivers license test :/

Mom said...

It's been a long time since I thought of any of "my boys" as babies....but being a "gramma" brings it all back.

How fun it will be to have a baby in the family again and a little girl...watch out..!!

We are so excited and keeping all the good thoughts going strong.

Lots and lots of love and hugs.

Mom and Dad

aGor said...


Lindsey said...


waiter shirt said...


Amanda and i just had our first.

Slapinions said...

Visting via Blog Explosion, but I like what I see. Heck, anyone with Matheson's "Nightmare at 20,000 feet" in their sidebar has to be a good read.

Congrats on the baby. That's great news :)