Thursday, November 08, 2012


CASE:  I haven’t written prose on my blog regularly in a very long time.


Fear.   I cannot write about directly work-related items any longer due to company policy.  The company also has a fairly strict policy about “do not shame your company.”  I like my job and don’t want to do anything to jeopardize it.   As long as I work in the coal mine, any story I tell will be from the viewpoint of a coalminer but I have to be much more careful about discussing the mine itself. Also – I often get quite cheeky and irreverent in my writing.  I have to be careful not to say something so outrageous that it attracts the attention of the mine operators.  Practically speaking, this shouldn’t be much of a problem but I have to be willing to take this risk every time I put ideas out into the public domain.  

Time.  Time is always a factor, more mentally than anything.  I don’t get a lot of “me” time and I am almost never all by myself    I write best late at night while listening to music on headphones but then again, a dad’s gotta sleep when he can.


November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) to encourage folks to write the novel they’ve always wanted to write. My youngest brother did NaNoWriMo last year and I considered it this year but I certainly can’t commit to that kind of output.  What I can do is make November my Personal Blog Prose Month PeBloProMo. 

Keep an eye on this blog for continual updates this month and we’ll see if it becomes a habit again.