My recruit was puzzled about how to put this in the computer: was it a suicide attempt? an assault? Perhaps I’m a bit cynical but this would be the first person I’d ever heard of that had attempted suicide by bedpost. We have had lots of folks jumping off of buildings or taking pills or shooting themselves. Once in a while we’ll have a hanging. A bedpost would be stinkin’ creative. And anyway, I’m thinking his soon-to-be-ex wife was responsible for putting the guy under the influence of a bedpost, but that’s just me.
Lesson: well… that whole “don’t go to bed angry” rule seems to apply here.
A couple of weeks later (and I’ll confess, not on my shift, but I’ve got the paperwork to prove that it really happened) we got a call from an Anchorage Refuse garbage truck driver.
First let me paint a little picture for you: Garbage trucks have a ladder that runs from the front bumper up to the front lip of the trash area, just about dead center so it’s not a big obstruction to the driver’s line of sight.
The caller was doing his nightly rounds emptying Dumpsters™ when, as he’s driving alone down the street in the middle of the night, a guy climbs down the ladder face-first from the top. Scares the bejeezus out of garbage man. Think about it: Even if you were getting a bit sleepy or distracted by loud Tom Waits music, you’d probably make a trash deposit of your own in your coveralls if you saw a guy climb DOWN YOUR WINDSHIELD as you are driving down the street in the middle of the night. So the driver slams on the brakes and calls on his radio for his dispatcher to call the police.
A quick investigation revealed that the subject (who took several years off the life of our friend the garbage man by making his grand entrance) had been sleeping in a Dumpster™ and had been dumped into the truck without the driver noticing (not hard, I’m sure).
Sadly, he hadn’t JUST been dumped into the truck. He’d been dumped at least four Dumpsters™ before and the driver had turned on the compactor at least three times. Three times! The guy was in pretty bad shape (had at least one broken arm, a broken leg, and a broken collarbone) but he was darn lucky to be alive. God watches over those sleeping in the trash too, apparently.
Lesson: don’t sleep in Dumpsters™... ever. Better to smack yourself in the head with a bedpost a couple of times. Then you’ll at least go to the hospital in a more comfortable vehicle.

(Originally posted March 28, 2005 when NO ONE read my blog. I spruced it up by adding some pictures because I think it deserves a re-telling. You’ll be the judge).
why is dumpsters trademarked? why are we suffering a dearth of posts? why am i suffering from PTSD at 31? oh. i just thought i'd slip that one in.
and nice chicken noise, btw.
the aforementioned integers were what just happened after flan fell off the table, onto the keyboard, on my lap, and off my lap.
i figure that means something. or not.
Dumpster is a trademarked name. It was originally called the Dempster-Dumpster after the creator George R Dempster (1887-1964). I kid you not.
And I have more questions than answers these days. New posts forthcoming.
Interesting. But do tell the McUnhappy meal story!!!
Sandy Claws, you have to call me to tell me of your new gig!
This is hilarious. Started my day with a huge laugh, thanks! :)))
This stuff is much too crazy to be able to make up! How are people so insane? You gotta love when you get these calls huh?!
Lois Lane
that is hillarious...even though I heard those before....I do miss all the stories in dispatch....and now Im curious as to what sandy's new "gig" is. lol.
Funny as I read the garbage truck story, our garbage truck came to collect the trash, though much different than anchorage garbage trucks. Sigh, I miss Anchorage.
Ohh I just realized what the McUnhappy meal story is...yeah that would fit into this category pretty well
Sandy Claws is the newest Clerk III in dispatch. Therefore, one of my bosses. All the criticism in the form of being a friend is hereby withdrawn in favor of complimentary brown nosing. :-)
Well woo hoo Sandy, congrats...I'll use Eric's blog to officially congratulate you on your promotion, since I don't have any other way fo doing so lol.
Congrats!! You deserve it! Wish I was still there to see you in action....Way to go!! :)
thanks Eric for letting me use your blog to say hi to Sandy lol
Very nice site!
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