When I open a bottle of Diet Dr Pepper or pour a can into a glass of ice I can always count on fact that the first smell of the carbonation leaving the top of the tasty brown liquid will smell a little like pesticide.
There's comfort in that.
Pesticide? Perhaps you are drinking Tab Cola still?
I admit that I looooooove the Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, but that really isn't brown, its a kind of reddish purple tint. It smells very tasty.
I have 4 cases of it sitting in my kitchen. I have ceased drinking the regular all together. Dr. Pepper claims it is a temporary flavor, but I think it is outselling the regular.
Pesticide? Perhaps you are drinking Tab Cola still?
I admit that I looooooove the Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, but that really isn't brown, its a kind of reddish purple tint. It smells very tasty.
I have 4 cases of it sitting in my kitchen. I have ceased drinking the regular all together. Dr. Pepper claims it is a temporary flavor, but I think it is outselling the regular.
(I have ceased drinking the regular all together)
When I was a kid thought they made Dr. Pepper by disolving those black Smith Brothers Cough Drops in liquid.
TFor me the wonderful taste of Dr. Pepper still generates visions of thjose two guys with their cool black beards.
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