Sunday, July 03, 2005

A Rose By Any Other Name

I am fascinated by the euphemisms and nicknames people use for their genitalia. I did an unscientific poll once asking women what they called their nether-regions (or what they called them when they were kids). Here is the list, in no particular order:

Front Bottom

I find “mess” particularly disturbing, but it’s true.

So to all those in lurker land and to the faithful commenters:
What names have you heard ? Tell me a story.


Wildefrost said...

We used: Coonie

to this day, that horrific word makes me chringe.

I've also heard muffin and coolie.

Eric said...

Thanks for dropping by and sharing!

"Coonie" that's pretty great.

carrie said...

my little brother just started calling it his pookoo. all by himself. that's what he always called it.

Kathy said...

Years ago, while bathing my daugther who was three at the time, she informed me that little boys had penises (penii?). As soon as she let this declaration sink in, she said "And I know what little girls have too! They have 'chinas'!"

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is due to having a hobby of hanging around the socially unacceptable, I will share with you SOME of the ones that I have heard. Poon, Painters Porch, Place, IT, Garden ... The list goes on and on, and on. If requested more are available (maybe in an e-mail,) however ... it’s a family site. BTW Penii, thats funni...
- TV

Eric said...

thanks for the additions carrie, kathy, and TV.

There's probably a joke about "bone china" or "china patterns but I'm too much of a gentleman to make jokes like that :-)

Anonymous said...

Cum Bucket
Furry Goblet
Hairy Axe Wound

"Let me put my throbbing spam javelin in your hairy axe wound you cock crazy cum slut"

Eric said...

ruder than i expected, mr. anonymous, but thanks for reading.

I might suggest a book club or a library card or someink.

wizo said...

Heh, I know most of the ones anonymous listed, but I can add 'quim' to the list.

Anonymous said...

For the record, there is more than person posting as Anonymous … Since some of our anonymity is only so to some.
- TV

Jen said...

Did I miss "peepee?"

Anonymous said...

we always had to use "coolie"....

as in, "mom, i have chicken pox on my coolie".


not kidding on that one, which is probably TMI.

Jenny said...

my mom used to call it "porper" when i was little, for some reason that always reminded me of a dolphin. and i still can't stand that word.

and when my brother was little, he walked in on my mom when she got out of the shower and said, "i can see your cookie monster!"

CHARLES and CARRIE said...

If you need more just rent Grumpy Old Men and fast foward to the end credits, Burgess Meredith gives you many that you may never think of in a set of hilarious retakes.

Anonymous said...

Gina. How embarassing is that?

RagDoll said...

LOL Eric. Some I have heard are variations of what you have.

Twaddle, Hooh-hah, Badger, Beaver, Special Place, Mr. Pepper, Petey, One Eyed Jack,goodies, package, DOWN THERE, and YOU KNOW! ( I could go on...)

And, all of these I heard on duty as an EMT or dispatcher. LOL. An

Traci Dolan said...

Heh, I had a co-worker who called her's "Whoo Wah" and Mama called her's "My Mooch." Yeah, shudder!

Anonymous said...

A preacher once advised me not to date a certain girl.

When I said that I could keep my head about me, he replied, "John, that thing has a head of its own"!

Anonymous said...

Me wenches one be known as te "kiti". Jes wanted te get thar out thar...

Anonymous said...

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