Thursday, July 07, 2005

Unbelievably Crass

I have spent part of this evening looking at all sorts of blogs and I have found a disturbing trend. Mean comments.

I’m not talking about folks who comment that my blog template is “extremely crap.” That kind of commentary is what one would expect when one posts about one’s template.

What I am talking about is this:

A woman writes a personal blog about her family and her life. She mentions that she has a 7 year old, a 4 year old, and a 17month old (roughly) and that she’s attending school to become a veterinarian. A stranger anonymously posted that since she’s had 3 kids in 7 years that “she should study birth control instead of veterinary medicine.”

What the hell?

This blogger invites us into her life and she gets treated like crap by a coward who won’t even sign his name (it has to be a guy). That is .. grrr.. so uncool. Strike that, it’s very cool – it’s damn cold.

Anonymous guys also blog on another site that a woman’s children are ugly.

What, again, the hell?

Open invitation: If you have some legitimate criticism, constructive or not, fire away! If you have some beef with me, then rip me a new one.

But read this very closely: if you take unsolicited shots at my family or post anonymous crass messages to anyone else’s family or personal blog just to mess with them – I curse upon you the worst kind of ass cancer. And not in a happy way.

Rant over, carry on.



Shrinking Wop said...

Couldn't agree with you more.

I'll bet women are way worse as anonymous posters because no one expects it!!!

In my opinion.

Hmmm.... I wonder if I should sign my name?

Perky said...

yeah i totally agree with you man. i've always said this: if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it. just coz that you're a miserable soul, you shouldn't make one out of others.


Zipcard2 said...

would you expect anything else from cowards? what people should really do is not allow anyone to post as anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's that these folks are computer savy but not smart enoubh to create a virus... it's the same mindset.
There are enough sites on the net that if you don't like one, all you have to do is click untill you find one that appeals to you.
O well, we are judged by our own words because they reveal what we are inside.

Jen said...

I agree, there are nasty folks out there. At least sign your name if you're going to say something, don't be a coward on top of being a jerk!

Anonymous said...

Brother dear....

Ass cancer?

Well.... colorful... but personally I'd rather see those people cursed by being trapped in an elevator with really bad Muzak along with 5 screaming children who all need diaper changes.

Ass cancer is rare.... elevator trappings less so... :)


Colette said...

Bravo darling...

Yeah welcome to my world. For months when I first began blogging, I had written (la la la la la) - pretty much in anonimity thinking no one had any interest in - much less read my blog - and I made comments (MY OWN PERSONAL COMMENTS) - on politics and the like and the next thing I know I am being attacked. See I don't get this - I check out blogs I like. I don't have the time to go to blogs where I totally disagree with someone and then take time out of my busy day to trash them, (and, if I am going to be a bitch on a blog, I WILL sign my name I don't believe in cowardice) - it makes no sense - there was even a sort of flame war on my blog because, at one point, I went balistic on this person - who was seriously creeping me out - (probably what they wanted) - they are called trolls and they suck - seriously - so what do I do now (you might ask - or perhaps you don't care...) - I don't allow anonymous bloggers anymore - I've had it. The best policy on this was something I borrowed from blogger Auterrific - basically she states 'My blog is *MY* home on the internet so treat it as such' paraphrasing - see the link here:

Just my 2 cents but seriously if we are going to have the balls to share our lives, our personal hopes, dreams, tragedies and yes even our rants then people need to either repsect it or move on to the next blog - it's just like the radio - if you don't like the music - change the channel.

Sorry to rant on you blog, love - carry on - nice blog, by the way.


Lois Lane said...

Oh yeah?! Is that a threat?! Well I think you family is just friggin' terrific! So there! What are you gonna do about that huh? Yeah, that's what I thought. ;)
Okay, setting crackpipe down. Did you see the warning link on my blog? That's why it's there. To keep people from being mean and nasty. I have been lucky but "know" many people who have dealt with exactly what you describe.
HEY... HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND, YOU, YOU, BLOGGER YOU! (Yeah, I yelled, and told you what to do! So what are you gonna do about it?!)
Lois Lane

TEN33GIRL said...

I couldn't agree more. I'm all for open discussions and different opinions, but being rude is just plain ignorant. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.

Thanks for stopping by my page ;)

Anonymous said...

hear, hear!

and, i really like the theme you've got going with the header graphic and sidebar. nice!