Friday, April 01, 2005


As I sit and think of what to write today I am drawn to only one thought. How incredibly fortunate I am.

I was going to write that I was blessed, but since I am a confirmed agnostic (which is a little like being a confirmed bisexual, but with less chance of getting a date Friday night) I’ll claim only good fortune.

Kismet, luck, blessings, karma, fortune; call it what you want, I seem to be having a good run lately.

I am very happily married to the sweetest, most caring, cutest girl in the whole wide world and she loves me just as much as I love her. *sigh of contentment*

I have good friends who have remained my friends after I got married, despite the fact that I have much less time or opportunity to just “hang out” like I did when I was single. Or maybe I'm just really really neglectful. Either way, they haven’t written me off entirely yet. For that I am grateful. Most especially Terri, but also the Ruiz clan, fall smack dab into this category. I haven’t been as “present” for them but I still hold their friendship dear to my heart and would do just about anything for them.

I have an outstanding family. My parents are very supportive without being either too judgmental or too snoopy. Plus they are great role models in that they both genuinely like each other after being married for thirty-something years. Oh yeah, and for getting all exercise-crazy in their middle age. Oh and that whole “raising me right” thing. My brothers and I are still pretty close, given distance and the fact that we have all started independent families of our own. And I'm lucky enough to count my grandmother as one of my friends as well as a matriarchal figure. How cool is that?

I even have nice in-laws. Someone call Mr Serling, I’ve entered the Twilight Zone.

Add to this the fact that I am much healthier this year than last year at the same time (albeit still a big fat guy, but working to slowly whittle that down).

So while April 1st will always be considered “It’s Good To Be Drew” Day (thanks to my sister-in-law Jennifer), I can honestly say that on this April 1st it’s pretty good to be Eric.

I do reserve the right to be bitter for no particular reason though. I just wouldn’t be Eric without that.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hai there... nice blog you have... hopefully can be your friends.. and share the knowledge together... cheers....