Sunday, April 10, 2005

Community Property State

One of my favorite dispatch stories goes like this:

Once upon a time, many years ago, our dispatch center was much as it is today: a room full of type-A strong personalities who see each other more than they see their families (at least on work-days) and are therefore likely to speak their mind.

On this particular day a senior dispatcher (let’s call her Eve) strolls into the room, looks around purposefully, and says, “Who is in my chair?” The other dispatchers sit unmoving and look at Eve with contempt. One pipes up to say, “Eve, no one has assigned chairs,” followed by a heavy sigh.

Eve replies, “Well, I usually sit in the same chair every day because when I laugh I sometimes pee just a little bit.”

Immediately there was a whoosh of air generated by every dispatcher in the room simultaneously standing up.

Eve never had a problem getting “her chair” again.



1 comment:

Kristy said...

Sweet! I'll have to try that one next time someone steals my chair at work.