Thursday, May 12, 2005

New Look

What do you think of the new look of the site?

Too dark? Not dark enough? I don’t want to concentrate on style at the expense of substance, so I'm not going to hire someone to do some great design. Not yet anyhow. It’s just a bit of fluff here and there but I'm enjoying the tinkering.

Tell me a story.


xTx said...

scary! boo!

Anonymous said...

Dude, the picture is probably not the first image of you that perhaps you wish strangers on the internet to have of you?


I mean, as your brother, I know you're weird. I experienced it. (And our whole famn damily is I'm not singling you out)

Otherwise, I like the new look....


Anonymous said...

Shades of the "Dad garage picture", but cute all the same. Keep's fun for all of us and we'll even still claim you. Mom

Anonymous said...

i find it delightfully frightening.

go on with your scary self, e!

smussyolay said...

umm. this is from someone who does not watch horror movies, and gets scared from the commercials from them:

too dark. i'm glad i got to know you from your writing already.


Anonymous said...

I feel the same as smussyolay. I don't like horror movies at all and I don't like dark and scarey. Good thing I know what my honey is really like.


smussyolay said...

i love that jaws commented on your blog